Curb Mask

Visual Identity

Feel good. Breathe easy.

Curb Mask is a conscientious brand built on consumer insight. Working alongside the founders right from the start, we were briefed to bring to market a brand creative that had the customer at its core. Curb is designed to protect, limit and keep transmission under control while also promote a sustainable approach with mask re-usability.

Working with our market research partner Relish, we had the understanding, allowing us to bring to life a visual identity that focussed on over coming barriers faced when wearing a mask. In true Eleven style, we delivered an identity that was built on customer experience and individualism for a brave, new young brand boldly entering a fiercely competitive e-commerce market.





Sustainable & safe
as standard

A heat sealed product pack that works on so many levels. The seal of the package allows a hygienic, zero contact delivery giving that peace of mind, while housing all brand and product information. Dramatically reducing waste, delivery information is directly added to the pack while no inserts are necessary for product story telling. Small enough to fit through a letter box yet bold enough to catch the eye. The Curb turquoise wave is a key part of the creative tool kit, linking the mask design with unique selling points being that of breathability, comfort and protection.




The founders of Curb looked to Eleven to deliver a brand from scratch. This exciting and unique opportunity is a great example of how we at Eleven can dive into research and insight to develop a brand delivery. For a start-up like Curb to enter into a competitive market place such as face coverings, needed efficient, fast and effective creative as being first to market (sometimes) is ever so important. Working side by side allowed for a healthy, compassionate and open line of communication with honestly and transparency. This attitude then flowed into the brand itself. With every purchase of a Curb mask, the customer can nominate a selected Care Home, Hospice or a local charity to receive a medical grade PPE mask. The brand is the sum of its parts; Hygienic, technical and sustainable while also being innovative and importantly, comfortably protective.


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